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Project Vandemic- #vanlife basics from CaraGreen


In the winter of 2020, CaraGreen’s Southwest Sales Manger, Damon broached the idea of Project Vandemic: A modern makeover of a late ‘80’s Ford Econoline camper van using materials from CaraGreen. CaraGreen’s leadership loved the idea, and would’ve loved it even more if it was called Project CaraVan, but gave it the greenlight regardless.

With the help of his neighbors, Michael and Allie, a filmmaker and interior designer, respectively, Damon kicked Project Vandemic into gear documenting the renovation on Youtube #vanlife.

The designs for Project Vandemic include sustainable building materials such as: Havelock wool insulationGator Skins material for indoor and outdoor ramps, Durat recycled solid surfaces, PaperStone recycled paper composite, Expanko XCR4 recycled rubber and cork flooring, Koskisen decorative plywood, and ElementAl recycled acrylic surfacing, all together under an unlikely steel roof.

Let’s get this #vanlife on the road and discuss some information you can use to build a #sustainable van for your #vanlife!

Before the pretty, fun, colorful materials can be installed, you’ll want to prepare the van for occupation. For the old Econoline, this means insulating with Havelock wool and installing Gatorskins as subflooring.

Havelock Wool batts are made of 100% sheeps wool. Unlike other insulations, there is no glue, no formaldehyde, no fiberglass, and no harmful chemicals. Havelock does not require protective clothing or safety equipment like respirators, gloves, or heavy clothing to install; it is safe to touch. Wool permanently binds to formaldehyde and other volatile organic compounds taking them out of the air.

In the van Havelock wool is installed over the bottom steel van floor and under the Gator Skins subflooring for insulation and noise dampening.

Gator Skins is typically used for outdoor and indoor skateboard and wooden ramp structures. Don’t worry, it’s not made of real gators. Gator Skins is made of layers of heavy kraft paper saturated and cured in a petroleum-free resin.

It’s made to have more grip, be more flexible, and easier on tooling than traditional ramp materials, while providing competitive wear and water resistance. It is fast, non-slip, ultra-durable, American made, and affordable. Gator Skins is used in the van as the subfloor. Eventually Expanko XCR4 cork-rubber flooring will go on top of it.


Next up is framing, electrical, plumbing, and cabinetry!

For the rest of this story and to watch our Vandemic videos subscribe to the CaraGreen Youtube channel and watch Project Vandemic!

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