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Durat 2020: Customize Your Solid Surface

CaraGreen recently attended a meeting with a roundtable of solid surface providers waxing poetic about their past lives and how long they had been doing solid surface, and how it had changed over the years.  We kind of cocked our heads and pondered – how much has it really changed? It is a perfect example of what we refer to as material Clone Wars, with 20 brands competing with the same color palette, never pausing to differentiate, rather chasing the 10000 lb gorilla.


It is why we have loved Durat, the solid surface designed in Finland and made in the US, the only solid surface that you can customize.  The designers that created Durat used their Scandinavian minimalism, concern for the environment and modern vision to create a solid surface unbounded by conventional production constraints.


This same crowd was complaining about sheet size and how they felt so limited with a 30” sheet and we again tried not to chime in and disrupt the whole conversation, but that is what Durat does, it disrupts the conversation on solid surface.  Durat can be custom sizes.  It can be custom colors and fillers.  It can be your own.


Custom Durat makeup counters at the NYC Glossier Flagship store. 

Durat is not just a solid surface, it is a design tool.  People post on all the shapes and CNC designs they make out of Grandma’s Corian, but unless you are ordering enough to clad an office on Wall Street, you can’t customize it.


Not true with Durat solid surface.  Durat sheet sizes are standard at 31.5” x 114”, but anything up to 36” wide and 144” is doable.  Designers can specify what yields best, or fabricators can order what yields best. The goal of Durat is not to have scrap laying around.  But if it does, the scrap can be reground to make new Durat.

Durat is a designer’s go-to solid surface.  It has the base colors as many others do, but the most colorful palette available to designers.  And it has high recycled content (up to 28%) and a take-back program, so it checks all the boxes.


Choose your own color.

Seamless design

Optimize the size.

Closed loop sustainability story.


Designers should not have to waste their time sifting through colorless palettes of white, barf and grey.  They should be able to make it their own, and add their own style and vision to a project, which can be difficult when constrained by decades of mimicry and following a huge solid surface company who is run by a chemical giant, not a design minded team like Durat.


Choose your color of the year.


Want to learn more about Durat? Visit Durat’s product page.

Get a sample or request a product presentation.

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