After attending this year’s Kitchen and Bath show in Las Vegas, it is abundantly clear that the time for Modern Surfaces is now. Modern Surfaces is a collection of truly unique, economical, beautiful materials that are not simply impersonations of some other material that is no longer available. Solid surface trying to look like granite, quartz trying to look like granite and solid surface trying to look like Quartz. Be yourself. Be unique.
Apparently “faux marble” is the new look, whether it is a quartz version, a printed knock off or some other impersonation of this veined classic. Almost every surfacing booth had some reincarnation of this look, and it seems to be a commodity out of the gate. At CaraGreen, we continue to curate new, innovative materials for you, adding to our Modern Surfaces collection and will launch them throughout the year. For more information on what WE think is truly innovative, modern, and unique, visit us at